Enabling Digital Expertise

We help  Oganizations, Trainers, Consultants and Coaches to develop and deliver their own Infoproducts and market their expertise.

Bernd Wiest: About me

A Short Biography

As an adult educationalist and IT person, I have been learning and working with digital media since 1993. I developed and was responsible for various national and European research projects in the field of e-learning and remote work/ digital cooperation as well as the development of learning organizations.

In customer service at T-Online/T-Com and Deutsche Telekom Kundenservice GmbH, I implemented e-learning, established training analytics as well as skill management and set up the training analytics department.

Since the beginning of 2009 I have been developing digital training and information products and business models as a developer, founder and/or managing director. I consult and coach companies in the use of digital media in personal development and the digital transformation towards education 4.0.

Over the years I trained and coached hundreds of business trainers in Online Training Strategies, Course Development and guiding learners through their own learning journey. 

I would be happy to guide you on your journey to Online Training Excellence!

Enabling Digital Expertise

Since my earliest teenage days, I have been interested in the adventure of computers as well as working with people. As a part of the first generation of computer kids, playing and programming on the computer were two ways for me to have fun with the new medium. At the same time, I was enthusiastic about working with people in different clubs as a group leader or trainer.

My interest in working with people led to my master of adult education (corporate and digital learning & working). At the same time, I worked as an independent IT and Communication Trainer as well as an IT Service Provider (data analytics, programming, marketing/design) . In 1991 I discovered the Internet and its opportunities. Two years later, both worlds came together for the first time. As a freelancer at the AUDI Learning Center, I got into the world of computer-based training. This kind of digital training kept me ever since. I started working as an author, programmer, and designer and developed computer-aided instructions and learning on the Internet. My master thesis in 1995 showed the fundamental structure of learning management systems (this structure is still the same today). After graduation, I got the opportunity to develop digital learning and working solutions as a freelancer in various scientific research projects around digital corporate training, remote work. I consulted and coached 100+ small and medium-sized companies as learning organizations for the digital transformation.

One thing got pretty obvious ever since: many small and pragmatic solutions of digitization - carefully implemented - are way better than large and comprehensive projects that are planned at the desk. This is still a guiding principle for me today - and it got a name: agile development.

In 2001, I began to establish a Learning Management System and introduced eLearning/Digital Training at T-Online/Telekom Customer Service as a manager and head of the department. I trained the trainers in Online Training and established set up training analytics for up to 30,000 users per year. In this environment, the best methods and techniques have proven themselves in practice. The results of my work are available in various scientific and practical articles and speeches.

With these experiences and insights, I started my own business as a consultant and business developer in 2009 and began to support larger enterprises with digital training products and solutions. At the same time, I started to build up a cloud-based marketplace for eLearning content with a business partner.

Since the end of 2015, I have been developing new digital training and information products and supporting companies in the digital trasnformation of their training and HR Departments.

And again, it turns out that we are not at the end of a series of innovations, but that the real innovations are still ahead of us. With all technical opportunities and the changing culture of the employees, completely new personal development strategies are needed. These need to be developed and tested in order to ensure the sustainability of companies and employees, also in the area of personal development.

Bernd Wiest: Gallery & Past Events

  • Learntec 2015: einfach Lernen: Einfach Lernen! Vom Massentraining zur individuellen Lernbegleitung u2013 vom Lerner zum Nutzer.
  • Learntec 2013: Weniger Kosten fu00fcr mehr Wissen. So gelingt Ihr eLearning-Start garantiert.
  • eLBa u2013 eLearning Baltics 2012: Vom Training mit der Gieu00dfkanne zur individuellen Fu00f6rderung: Kompetenzmanagement mit eLearning.
  • Professional Learning Europe 2011: E-Learning fu00fcr Einsteiger: Getting started.
  • Tekom 2011: Von der IT-Dokumentation bis zum IT-Training: Inhaltsentwicklung schnell und einfach in einem System.
  • eLBa u2013 eLearning Baltics 2011: So wird aus Ihrem E-Learning-Projekt ein Dauerbrenner.
  • Learntec 2011: Integration von E-Learning in die
  • Professional Learning Europe 2010: E-Learning im Unternehmen dauerhaft verankern.
  • Learntec 2010: Unternehmensspezifisches Software-Training selbst erstellen – eine Herausforderung im Praxistestu201c.
  • Learntec 2010: Integriertes Kompetenzmanagement als Fundament einer langfristig tragfu00e4hig aufgestellten Personalentwicklung.
  • webacad-Fachkonferenz “Evaluation von E-Learning” 2009: Aufbau einer E-Learning Evaluierung im Trainingsregelbetrieb.
  • Learntec 2009: Mit Qualitu00e4tskriterien Content entwickeln .
  • Cebit 2008: Mit effizienter Kompetenzentwicklung zu mehr Service-Perfomance.
  • Callcenterworld 2008: Effiziente Kompetenzentwicklung mit Rapid E-Learning.
  • Learntec 2008: Kompetenzentwicklung und Performance Management.
  • Marcus Evans 2008: Assessing the Future of E-Learning & Building Blended Learning.
  • BVSP 2007: E-Learning erfolgreich einsetzen.
  • Fraunhofer Professional Training Facts 2007: Kompetenzentwicklung und Performance Management.
  • DIN-Arbeitskreis Kompetenzmodellierung 2007: integriertes Kompetenzmanagement im Customer Service.
  • BITKOM- AK Knowledge Engineering & Management 2007: Wissensbausteine im Performance Management.
  • Callcenter World 2007: Effizienter E-Learning Einsatz im Customer Service.
  • Learntec 2007: Content schnell & Gut.
  • Learntec 2007: SCORM in der Praxis der Content Entwicklung.
  • Learning Technologies 2007: Efficient Learning as Part of Performance Management.
  • Fernausbildungskongress 2006: Rapid E-Learning zur effizienten Lerninhaltserstellung.
  • Bu00fcrgernetzverband Bayern 2006: Bu00fcrgernetze als Lerngemeinschaften u2013 auch online.


1. Wiest, B.:Implementing Non-Verbal Cues in CMC Environments, TCCL-Conference, Hawaii, 1997
Wiest, B., Keyser, P., Neville, P., Frank, I., Lacefield, R. S., Gordon, J., Scanlin, T., Bell, R. M., Kavanagh, J., Doty, M. A., Naugle, L., & Fiddler, M.:Building a Sense of Community. Presented at the Teaching in the Community College Online Conference, 1998.
Wiest, B.: Vernetztes Lernen – Lerngruppen mit Telemedien, TeleJournal, 07/97

Wiest, B.: Exemplum Telelernen. In: Selzer, H. M. et al: Leistungsstarke Auszubildende nachhaltig fördern. Ein Modell zur Individualisierung und Differenzierung im dualen System, Dettelbach, 1998, S. 250 ff.

Wiest, B.: Zwei CBT-Tests im Vergleich. In: Selzer, H. M. et al: Leistungsstarke Auszubildende nachhaltig fördern. Ein Modell zur Individualisierung und Differenzierung im dualen System: Materialienband

Selzer, H.M. / Wiest, B.: Modul P3: Mediale Kompetenz. In: Selzer, H. M. et al: Leistungsstarke Auszubildende nachhaltig fördern. Ein Modell zur Individualisierung und Differenzierung im dualen System, Dettelbach, 1998, S. 189 ff.

Wiest, B.Konzeption eines Bildungszentrums,TeleJournal, 01/98

Wiest, B.: Informationstechnologische Entwicklung (ITE) , TeleJournal, 02/98

Wiest, B.: Lernen und Lehren mit Telemedien, TeleJournal, 05/99

Wiest, B.: Formen des Telelernens, TeleJournal, 05/98

Wiest, B.: Telelernen in Deutschland – Stand der Dinge, TeleJournal, 06/98

Wiest, B.Grundlagen der Telekommunikation, TeleJournal, 07/98

Wiest, B.Telelehren, TeleJournal, 08/98

Leunissen, M. / Wiest, B.: Lernen und Lehren mit Telemedien. In: Lernen & Lehren. Sonderheft “Multimedia in der Lehre”, biat, Universität Flensburg, 1999

Wiest, B.: E-Learning. Flexible Weiterbildung. In: Kommune 21. e-Government, Internet und Informationstechnik, Ausgabe Nr. 8/2001, S.40 ff., Oktober 2001

Wiest, B.: E-Learning einfach und schnell im Customer Care Verbund von T-Online. Global Learning, elearning_im_cc.pdf, 05/ 2006

Wiest, B.: Implementierung von arbeitsprozessintegriertem E-Learning im Call-Center Verbund von T-Online. In: Back, A. (HG)Zeitschrift für E-Learning: Training für verteilte Kundenkontaktmitarbeiter in Vertrieb und Support u2013 Aktuelle Aspekte und innovative Beiträge, St. Gallen, 02/2006

Wiest, B.: Online-Trainings einfach und schnell entwickeln. In: M. Schulz, H. Breyer, A. Neusius (HG): Grundlagen Weiterbildung: Fernausbildung fair-netzt Alle. Neue Beiträge zur Weiterentwicklung technologiegestu00fctzter Bildung aus pädagogisch-didaktischer Perspektive, Augsburg, 09/2007

Wiest, B.: Effiziente Weiterbildung mit E-Learning im Customer Service in: Breitner, M.H., Voigtländer, C.(HG): Sammelband: Perspektiven des Lebenslangen Lernens – dynamische Bildungsnetzwerke, Geschäftsmodelle, Trends, Hannover, 2008

Wiest, B.: Rasend schnell: So klappt es mit der eigenen Rapid E-Learning Produktion in: Karp, A. Bildung aktuell, Wien 03/2009

Wiest, B.: Rapid E-Learning: So entwickeln Sie die Kompetenzen Ihrer Mitarbeiter in: Karp, A. Bildung aktuell, Wien 04/2009

Bruns, B. / Wiest, B.: Rapid E-Learning als Bestandteil des Performance Managements. In: U.Hannig: Lehrbuch “Vom Data Warehouse zum Corporate Management”, Mannheim, 2008

Wiest, B.: Aufbau eines Kompetenzmanagements im Kundenservice. In: A.Hohenstein, K. Wilbers (Hrsg): Handbuch eLearning (Bd. 6.7.2), Köln: Deutscher Wirtschaftsdienst, 2010

Wiest, B.MEV-Berufsausbildung für Eisenbahner – International und Digital. In: U. Höft, C. Wiechel-Kramu00fcller (Hrsg):Privatbahn Magazin, 2017

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